Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sprint?s stock has outperformed Apple and Google this year

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Romney: Benghazi a 'terrorist attack'

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney shakes hands with former President Bill Clinton, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012, at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney shakes hands with former President Bill Clinton, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012, at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

(AP) ? Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney says the attack on the American consulate in Libya was an act of terrorism and says the United States must use foreign aid to bring about lasting change in such places.

In a speech Tuesday, Romney said foreign aid cannot sustain a developing country on a permanent basis and that U.S. policies should promote work, not reliance. The former Massachusetts governor also says aid should give people dignity and change attitudes toward the West.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Barack Obama's top spokesman each have said the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Obama himself has not used that language.

Romney spoke in New York at an annual global development conference sponsored by former President Bill Clinton.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Traffic Master Series Part 2 ? Product - Internet Marketing Blog

Welcome to Part 2 of the Ultimate Paid Traffic Plan
trafficmaster2 300x168 Traffic Master Series Part 2   Product

Let?s continue on our epic journey to learning and using paid traffic. ?If you missed the Traffic Master Series overview, go back and have a quick look as it will prepare you for the rest of the series.

We?ll be looking at each piece of the system in depth for the rest of the series.

Here?s the quick outline from part one of the series just to refresh your memory.

1. Product
2. System
3. Tracking
4. Advertising sources

As we discussed previously the number one requirement for mastering traffic, is building a return on your ad expenses. ?In other words, you need to have a product or service where you get paid each time a visitor makes a purchase or takes a desired action.

#1. Product:

Note, I?m taking a wide view of the word product here. ? Essentially, this is any type of mechanism that generates cash money. ?It?s an absolutely critical component that determines your total success or failure when dealing with paid advertising. ?If you aren?t generating some kind of revenue from your paid traffic you will eventually go broke. ?If your budget is extremely low to start, this won?t take long at all so it?s very critical to pay attention to this full series and especially this first stage.

What we need to do first is become very familiar with the different methods for getting paid from traffic. ?Pick one and incorporate it into your full traffic plan. ?We?ll talk more about how to build a system around it in the rest of the series, but for now I want to look at the many different types and how to decide between them.

Product Types

There are many ways to generate money online which is why we needed to break this plan up into several posts. ?I want to make sure you understand each component as we go along.

Let?s start with the most obvious?

1. Your own product

For many beginners this is the hardest level to reach, but the most obvious goal. ?It can also be the most profitable when done correctly.

It?s a relatively easy task to pick out a group of people or a topic you want to focus on, but an entirely different level to build and create quality products they want to purchase online.

When choosing your own product it can be nearly anything from a short digital ebook to an offline tangible product that you ship. ?There are virtually no limits here, as long as you have found something you know others will want to purchase and have made it available with a big ole? buy now button.

The problem with this approach is that creating your own product is one of the most time consuming tasks requiring a lot of effort and expense before you even get setup to take your first order. ?Being the most obvious approach to generating revenue, it can also cause a mental block to other opportunities.

Like most people you may not be ready for this level, so let?s take a look at some easier methods

2. Someone else?s product?

One of the most commonly known ways to generate revenue from other people?s products is affiliate marketing. ? There?s a slight problem with this model over your own product. ? With affiliate marketing you make as little as half the selling price in commissions.

You?re essentially trading your traffic generating skills with another product creator in exchange for a percentage of sales. ?You?re the digital version of a sales representative.

The upside however, is huge. ?You can cross into as many markets as you wish. ?You can even test against competing product creators to find the best selling. ?With your own product it?s a huge undertaking to revise your sales process and improve conversions. ?With affiliate marketing it can be as simple as changing a link.

For speed and profit this is hands down one of the best ways to get paid from your traffic efforts.

The major downside is that you?re essentially giving away your best visitors and customers to someone else. ?Still, if it allows you to survive as a new website in a big market you can afford to eventually build in more systems to capture the visitor contact or even create your own successful product.

This method in general works well with a targeted and focused market.

It?s fairly obvious for example, to provide a ?how to hit longer drives? course to golfers, or recommend a certain type or brand of clubs.

In contrast, gossip, celebrity, or lifestyle sites are a bit harder to pin down specific products that would be of interest to the majority of the group.

Which brings us to the next type.

3. Advertising

Getting paid to advertise is often a low return approach. ?In other words, it will take a large volume of traffic to make as much as you might with just one affiliate sale.

However, with enough traffic you can easily out earn any other method. ?There are even automatic targeting features that can rotate and serve ads specifically tailored to each visitor and their past search histories.

Visit any major news outlet, or gossip site and you?ll instantly see what I mean. ?Banners line the site as they flash, blink, and serve up varying ads with each refresh of the page.

These can be setup through advertising networks such as Google adsense, or Value Click Media.

Alternately, you may even choose to sell individual blocks of advertising space.

This can be done in all types of creative ways. ?With enough traffic, selling advertising can be a billion dollar industry (hint, think about what Google actually sells?)

If you understand how to drive traffic, you can place advertising on any location the visitor lands and profit from it. ?You can even sell ads to go into your email list. ?I know of at least one person that makes over six figures simply coordinating this type of advertising between list owners and product creators.

The trick is to simply find those that need more traffic, (which is just about everyone!) and let the bidding wars begin.

You can arrange to get a flat rate fee, per view, or for each action a visitor takes.

Next, let?s look at one of my personal favorite ways to get started online.

4. Services

The beauty of selling services is that ?you only need to develop your service options, pricing, and a sales process to get started. ?All of which take a very short period of time compared to product creation.

For example, if I have a skill or service to offer such as web design, I could essentially sell that skill immediately with as little as a short ad and sales page. ?Nearly all the work is after the sale, which is ideal for the beginner that is looking to grow and build up a revenue stream in order to grow and expand their business online.

The options are nearly endless and limited only by your ability and imagination. ?You may not even have the skill yourself. ?I know of at least a few people that run app development companies but don?t even know how to program. ?They have built up a team of programmers and simply outsource the technical portions while they focus on generating more sales from their traffic.

The trick to this method is recognizing the needs of your particular market, and being able to solve them with a service.

Now, I mentioned several different methods because each site and each market is different. ?What works for one person may not be right for another.

Here?s how to decide what?s right for you?

Return on Investment

It?s time for some math, yuck! ?Except this is how you can ?dramatically scale your profits. ?So you should be saying, ?dude, sweeeet!? right about now.

No matter what method you choose, this is where you will discover wild success. ?With each source of paid advertising you will get X number of visitors for Y amount of money spent.

We will talk more about this in tracking but I want to introduce the concept now. ?It will look basically like this ? $/visitor ?or cost divided by number of visitors. ?At this point you?ve essentially put a value amount on each visitors.

It would look something like this? you buy an ad that costs $100 and in return get 1,000 visitors. ?You would have a cost per visit of $0.10.

Logically, it follows that you need to earn at least that much per visitor to break even.

For example, if my cost per visitor is $0.10 than at minimum I want to earn $0.10 for each visitor.

The trick here is that you generally won?t get a specific amount for each visitor. ?It may look more like for every 2,000 visitors I make about $200 in commissions and therefore get $0.10 per visitor.

In order to decide the best method of product you have to match up your cost to acquire visitors, with your return. ?This is single handedly the most important part of the entire decision making process, and should not be overlooked.

If you are fortunate to get a large volume of free search traffic you can calculate average monthly visitors against the cost of the server, and your time spent maintaining the site.

But once you step up to paid traffic you absolutely need to consider these two numbers.

Start thinking about these now and in the next part of the series we?ll look at how to setup your main system.


Questions, comments, insults welcomed below!

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DISCLOSURE: We are a professional blog site that receives compensation from the companies whose products we link to, evaluate, or review. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed are our own.

NOTE: We believe in supporting good companies, people, and products. If you have any experiences that are not in line with our values please do not hesitate to let us know so we can investigate further.


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Samsung Galaxy S III Jelly Bean update begins rolling out globally

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Nowhere is this more evident than in the long, fragmented upgrade process Samsung (005930) fans have witnessed with the Galaxy S III, which this week has finally been upgraded to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean\u2026 but only in Poland. An XDA-Developers forum member on Monday posted that Jelly Bean was available for Polish Galaxy S III owners to download through Kies, Samsung\u2019s official application for over-the-air software updates. 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Monday, September 24, 2012

IGN Gets an IPhone 5

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Sunday Sound: Top 6 Moments Heard on 'This Week'

Below are some of the notable comments made Sunday on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." Guests included Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod; Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus; Republican strategist and ABC News political analyst and contributor Nicolle Wallace; former Obama domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes; conservative commentator Ann Coulter, author of the new book "Mugged"; Univision anchor Jorge Ramos; and University of California, Berkeley professor and former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich.

1. Priebus and Axelrod define what was described by some as Romney's tough week

PRIEBUS: This was the defining week?I think that we had a good week last week.

AXELROD: I don't think anybody else would define it as a good week.

2. Priebus criticizes Obama's lack of focus

PRIEBUS: I think he should worry about intelligence briefings, getting the economy back on track instead of debate prep and interviews with Pimp with the Limp and meetings with Jay-Z and Beyonce. I think he needs to get serious.

3. Priebus doubles down on not supporting Senate Republican party candidate Todd Akin of Missouri

PRIEBUS: We're not going to play in Missouri with Todd Akin, I can tell you that. So it'll be yet to be seen whether he stays in or not.

4. Axelrod accuses Romney of slandering half the population with hidden camera comment

AXELROD: The week began with Governor Romney basically slandering 47 percent of America?At the end of the week, we saw him manipulating his own tax returns.

5. Ramos and Coulter comment on growing attention of the Latino vote

COULTER: What have we done to the immigrants? We owe black people something. We have a legacy of slavery. Immigrants haven't even been in this country?

RAMOS: If Republicans don't do something with immigration, and if Republicans are so far away from Latinos, they're going to lose not only this election, they might lose the White House for a generation.

COULTER: That's why the Democrats are dropping the blacks and moving on to the Hispanics.

6. Wallace says Republicans have angst about their nominee

WALLACE: Republicans on the outside have angst about the candidate himself?The other category of angst is about the campaign itself.

Like "This Week" on Facebook here. You can also follow the show on Twitter here.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tax farming, Chinese style

Apparently there is at least one city in China where people routinely litter, spit in public and break traffic laws (oh Shaoyang, you know I'm talking about you). This particular city was also short of employees and cash to fight the problems.

Their solution? Hire 1000 senior citizens to patrol the streets and LET THEM KEEP 80% of the ticket revenue they generate?

Can anyone guess what happened?

Yep, those lucky seniors wrote a mountain of tickets.

Can anyone guess who's mad?

Yep, the scofflaws.

I love this quote:

?Many of us depend on motorcycles to get around, but they?re now giving us tickets for not wearing a helmet, for not having insurance, or for not carrying our licenses,? complained the clerk, who would give only her surname, Li. ?None of us dare drive our motorcycles anymore ? it?s just too risky.?

Apparently, complying with the laws is just totally out of the question?

The only thing the city did wrong here was that they are paying the seniors $70 some dollars a month. They should have auctioned off the positions, making people pay up front for the right to write tickets and keep 80% of the revenue.

Labels: don't do the crime if you can't do the time, is our seniors earning? revenue enhancement


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Vic Gundotra says Nik's 'high-end tools and plugins' will survive. Snapseed? Maybe not.

Vic Gundotra says Nik's 'high-end tools and plugins' will survive

After Google effectively killed Sparrow's apps when it purchased the company (they're still available and supported, but don't expect much future development) there was some worry about the future of Nik Software. Well, Vic Gundotra took to Google+ to salve some of those fears.

Earlier this week I proudly welcomed +Nik Software to Google. They've been making pictures more awesome for 17 years, and we're excited to bring Nik's expertise to the entire Google+ community!

I also want to make something clear: we're going to continue offering and improving Nik's high-end tools and plug-ins.

Professionals across the globe use Nik to create the perfect moment in their photographs (e.g.,, and we care deeply about their artistry.

There is one bothersome caveat in that quote: "high-end." Gundotra may be promising a future for Capture NX and Efex Pro, but it's clear that the popular Snapseed doesn't fit that description. Now, he has not expressly announced the death of the Instagram competitor, but it seems to us that the writing is on the wall. The Android camera app may already have a set of friendly filters, but it lacks the simplified sharing and marketing buzz of Facebook's recent acquisition. Don't be surprised if the Snapseed team simply gets folded into Google+ or Android while its creation slowly withers and dies.

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Vic Gundotra says Nik's 'high-end tools and plugins' will survive. Snapseed? Maybe not. originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 16:48:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Amanda Bynes Fights Photographer, Doesn't Like the Way She Looked in That First Pic

Amanda Bynes' bizarre behavior continued this week as the embattled former teen star got into a scuffle with a paparazzo ... and it's a lot weirder than you think.

The tussle caught on tape by ET as Bynes was down Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, shielding her face from being photographed. That part was pretty standard.

Then she strangely came over, Amanda she didn't like the way she looked, and tried to reason with the guy, flattering him into deleting the first photo of her.

Amanda Bynes Covers Face

Amanda then agreed to pose for a new set of photos, yet things turned even uglier after that, and a struggle over control of the camera apparently ensued.

The melee shows the camera, still rolling, flying every which way as the celebrity gossip photographer yelling at the embattled actress to give him back the camera.

He asserts that the star hurt him; Bynes calmly responds, "I didn't touch you."

Bynes' downward spiral has been well-documented of late. The star has been arrested for DUI, accused to two hit-and-runs and had her license suspended.

It's not just traffic accidents that have plagued her in the last six months. Amanda's odd behavior has included driving around aimlessly smoking out of a pipe.

Bynes has pleaded not guilty to the DUI charges, and has publicly refuted that she has a problem, saying she's doing AMAZING lately. No one is buying this.


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Friday, September 21, 2012

PFT: Jets' Scott threatens reporter in locker room

Cincinnati Bengals v Atlanta FalconsGetty Images

Now that free-agent receiver Chad Johnson has pleaded no contest to charges of domestic violence, Johnson is subject to discipline under the personal-conduct policy.

But a source with knowledge of the procedure explains to PFT that Johnson likely won?t be disciplined until he returns to the NFL.

That said, if a team is interested in signing him and wants to know if he is facing a suspension, a decision could be made prior to Johnson signing a contract.

If Johnson had been issued a suspension before he was cut by the Dolphins, he could have served the suspension while unemployed.? Not that he?s unemployed but has yet to be officially suspended, the league apparently isn?t inclined to suspend him until he has a team.

Regardless of how it all plays out, the current posture could make it harder for Johnson to get a job with another NFL team.? Since he?s still a member of the union, he should push the league to issue a punishment regardless of whether he?s on a team, so that if he?s suspended he can serve it before, not after, he signs a contract.

That said, it?s not clear Johnson would even be suspended.? The policy primarily is aimed at addressing repeat offenders.? Johnson is a first-time offender.? Given the nature of the offense, however, the NFL could decide to take action.

Either way, it would be fair to Johnson to make the decision as soon as possible, so that he and any interested teams will know his status.


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Integra Pest Helps Keep Fort Worth Homes Termite-Free

With the help of a Fort Worth termite control company, residents can prevent infestation and the destruction of their properties.

Send Feedback to Max Cowman
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Tweet This Haslet, Texas (August 29, 2012) -- Integra Termite & Pest Control, LLC, a trusted exterminator in Fort Worth, is helping keep homes termite-free. Termites can virtually destroy a property as they feed on floors, walls, doors, and practically anything made out of wood and fibrous materials. With the help of a Fort Worth termite control company, residents can prevent infestation and the destruction of their properties.

Integra Termite & Pest Control uses ecologically safe products containing essential oils, boric acid, and diatomaceous earth that are effective in exterminating pests. Integra Termite & Pest Control's organic alternatives are guaranteed solutions that do not pose any harm to humans and the environment.

This Fort Worth termite control company also offers intelligent pest management to effectively exterminate pests. Their experts understand how species thrive and how these can be eradicated. This ensures homeowners won't be troubled by the same problem over and over again.

Through Integra Termite & Pest Control's organic techniques, homes are guaranteed to be pest-free and hazard-free. Homeowners can choose from three unique packages--Silver, Gold, and Platinum--which cover different areas of the home and various types of infestations. These packages come with a 90-Day Warranty and a quarterly commitment.

Integra Termite & Pest Control offers several kinds of pest control Fort Worth homeowners can rely on to keep their homes protected. Aside from termites, the company also exterminates bedbugs, bees, fire ants, rats, and more. To learn more about pest control in Fort Worth, visit today.

About the Submitter

About Integra Termite & Pest Control, LLC

Integra Termite & Pest Control is the exterminator Fort Worth residents can trust to have a pest-free home. They have been in the industry for over 19 years and they also offer services in Haslet, Dallas, and surrounding areas. Integra Termite & Pest Control uses only the safest products and environmentally-friendly alternatives in their work to ensure a clean and healthy home.

Max Cowman

Integra Pest Helps Keep Fort Worth Homes Termite-Free

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Keywords: exterminator fort worth, fort worth termite control, pest control fort worth

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ireland Baldwin Bikini Pic: Tweeted!

Ireland Baldwin is making a play for a spot on THG's next bikini body countdown.

The 16-year old daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger Tweeted a picture of herself in a swimsuit last night, including the following, somewhat confusion caption along with the image:

"I stoleeeee your snapback HA #minenow #lamemirrorpic #bahaha."

Ireland Baldwin Bikini Pic

Might we ever seen more of Ireland? The teenager was asked by a follower if she'd ever strike a naked pose and responded with a simple:

"ermmmm no. Never."

Phew. We'd imagine that might make her famous father angry. And we all know what happens when Alec Baldwin gets angry.


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Calif. illegal immigrants ask for school records

(AP) ? Thousands of illegal immigrants have inundated the nation's second-largest school district with requests for copies of records that might qualify them for the Obama administration's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the district said Monday.

Under the program, people who are 30 or younger will be allowed to stay in the United States and work for up to two years if they prove they've lived in this country continuously since June 2007.

Applications can be renewed every two years.

An estimated 200,000 current and former students in the Los Angeles Unified School District might be eligible for the federal program, said Lydia Ramos, a special assistant to Superintendent John Deasy.

"We looked at the birth years that this program covers and there were about 200,000 students that listed another country of origin," Ramos said. "We have probably the highest number of students who would be eligible for this."

The Board of Education last week ordered that all current requests be handled within 35 days and future ones within seven days.

"I feel like doors are opening up for me," said 17-year-old Bell High School senior Saul Berrera, who was 10 when his mother brought him to the United States from El Salvador.

The school district already had a backlog of at least 2,300 requests for transcripts or diplomas before Aug. 15, the first day applicants for the Obama program could submit forms to the federal government, the Los Angeles Times ( reported.

"We are being inundated," Bell High School Principal Rafael Balderas said, adding his school was two weeks behind in providing documents. The school received about 200 requests for transcripts last year, but that total had been exceeded by July.

District officials notified schools on Friday that applicants can make requests online or fill out forms at schools for forwarding to the district's central office.

"We're doing this to relieve individual school sites from having to complete these when they already have reduced resources," Ramos said.

Records will be provided for free or at nominal cost. The federal government charges applicants $465 for each deferred action request.

Officials say there's a sense of urgency among applicants who worry about their window closing should Obama fail to win re-election in November.

"There are political considerations for some families," Ramos said.

The financially strapped school district expects to spend at least $200,000 in staff costs as well as an undetermined amount of overtime for employees who have worked to improve the records request system.




Information from: Los Angeles Times,


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Monday, September 17, 2012

European stocks, euro edge lower as QE rally pauses

LONDON (Reuters) - European stocks and the euro both eased on Monday, beginning a new week in cautious fashion after the prospect of fresh U.S. economic stimulus propelled both to multi-month highs in the previous session.

Promised support from the U.S. and euro zone central banks should see both push on to fresh highs in the coming weeks, traders said. The Federal Reserve announced last week that it plans to pump an extra $40 billion a month into the economy until jobs data improves, while the European Central Bank outlined its new bond-buying initiative earlier in the month.

At 0842 GMT, the FTSEurofirst 300 index of leading European stocks was down 0.2 percent at 1,118.18 points, pulling back from a 14-month high hit in the previous session. World stocks were also down 0.2 percent.

Asian stocks were generally higher overnight, with the MSCI Asia ex-Japan index hitting a 4-1/2 month high, although Tokyo markets were closed. U.S. stocks ended Friday near five-year highs.

"There is still good upside potential for stocks as we are re-pricing the 'non-break up' of the euro zone. We've just started to realise all the downside that came from the debt crisis," Louis Capital Markets trader Jerome Troin-Lajous said.

"Now, the main signal we need that would fuel this rally won't be coming from the economic outlook, it will come from the investment flows. A lot of foreign investors have been strongly 'underweight' European stocks and should start to switch out of bonds and out of U.S. equities and into European stocks."

Fund flow data from EPFR showed Europe equity funds posted their biggest net inflows since early May in the week to September 12, as the ECB action encouraged more investors to take on equity risk and move out of conservative debt.

While risk markets should get a filip from the U.S. stimulus plan, growth is ultimately needed to sustain any recovery, and here concerns remain.

"The Federal Reserve's decision to engage in an open-ended purchase program reinforces the carry trade in the U.S. dollar and risk assets. It is unlikely to produce meaningful change in economic growth, in our view," Jefferies analysts said in a note.

Commodities including oil, gold and copper - all of which had risen strongly last week - were lower on Monday.


The single currency also eased in early European trade, edging back from a four-month high hit on Friday as some in the market booked profits. At 0842 GMT, it traded down 0.2 percent at 1.3097 against the dollar.

"We are due some consolidation. We could trade below $1.30 again but will see $1.35 by year-end. It's a combination of improvements in Europe and deteriorating dollar sentiment," said Daragh Maher, currency strategist at HSBC.

While the greenback is expected to remain under pressure in the coming weeks as the effects of the U.S. stimulus plan work their way through the system, it was up 0.2 percent against a basket of currencies on Monday.

It had hit a seven-month low on Friday.

While gaining at the expense of the dollar, the euro has also been supported by the ECB's plan to help lower the borrowing costs of indebted euro zone countries, if and when the countries concerned - chiefly Spain - ask for that help.

The reversal of Friday's trend in currencies and stocks also fed through into the bond market, with German Bunds, up 15 basis points.

"A lot of good news is priced in and now the market is pondering whether or when Spain might require a bailout," said Rabobank rate strategist Richard McGuire. "The realisation is dawning it might not be rushing."

Spanish 10-year bond yields rose to 5.85 percent on Monday. Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he would not accept a rescue that dictated spending cuts.

"The market has priced in an actual bailout and the longer Spain prevaricates, the greater the risk the market will strong-arm them into accepting a support package," McGuire said.

(Additional reporting by Anirban Nag, Kirsten Donovan, Nia Williams and Atul Prakash in London and Blaise Robinson in Paris; Editing by Catherine Evans)


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Data Use Policy

Personally Identifiable User Information
Once you register with LAGbook and sign in to LAGbook, you are not anonymous to LAGbook. When registering on LAGbook, you provide Personal Data, which includes a LAGbook ID, a User- chosen password, and optionally an email address and a photo. To combat online fraud, LAGbook may also record your IP address when submitting information. When you use LAGbook Address Book service, you also provide contact information of other people (?Address Book?). To protect your LAGbook ID account information, please keep your password secure. You can decline to share such Personal Data with us by not registering on LAGbook. Further, you may opt to remove any Personal Data from our active database by contacting LAGbook and canceling your LAGbook User account. LAGbook does not intentionally gather Personal Data about visitors who are under the age of 13.

Cookies and Passive Data Collection
LAGbook automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser, including your IP address, LAGbook cookie information, and the page you request. Users should be aware that other websites visited before entering LAGbook might place personally identifiable information within a User's URL during a visit to their website, and LAGbook has no control over such websites. Accordingly, some of this information may be logged by a subsequent website that collects URL information.

Content and Use of Networks
When you post Content (or send messages) on LAGbook that enable direct sharing of information with other Users and visitors, other Users and visitors will have access to any Personal Proxy-Connection: keep-alive, Cache-Control: max-age=0. Data in such Content. LAGbook keeps track of Content that you upload to LAGbook as well as the top Users. Such information, displayed with your LAGbook ID and photo, if you uploaded one, is available to Users and visitors of LAGbook. In addition, LAGbook enables other Users to invite you to use LAGbook. Because you may voluntarily disclose any Personal Data in these public areas, you should be careful about the information you choose to disclose. LAGbook does not control that disclosure, and is not liable in any way for anyone's use or misuse of the information in the disclosure. In other words, use caution and judgment here.

Personally Identifiable Information
We will send you administrative messages, and email updates regarding your account on LAGbook. We may also send you notices of new Content that has been added to LAGbook when you have subscribed to such notices. In some cases, we may also send you primarily promotional messages. In your account's preferences section, you can choose to opt out of promotional messages and new Content notices. You may opt out of receiving administrative messages by canceling your LAGbook User account. We will not use your Address Book information for our own purposes.

Cookies and Passive Data Collection
LAGbook uses cookie, IP address, and URL information to improve the content of LAGbook bar, the quality of LAGbook servers, and to provide enhanced features to Users, where available. LAGbook uses cookies to save Users' LAGbook IDs, session validators, and on Users' browsers and hard drives, and may use them to provide tailored products and services to those Users, as they become available. IP Addresses also help us to diagnose difficulties with our server, to administer LAGbook, and to otherwise provide LAGbook service to its users. IP addresses may be disclosed to a third party if we believe in good faith that the law or legal process requires it, or to protect the rights or property of LAGbook, its Users or the general public.

Lagbook Service Providers
LAGbook may need to provide your Personal Data to third parties to deliver specific services to you (such as support services). These third parties are required not to disclose your Personal Data and not to use your Personal Data other than to provide the services requested by LAGbook.

Law Enforcement
LAGbook may disclose Personal Data if required by a subpoena or other judicial or administrative order, where required by law, or, at our sole discretion, where we deem necessary to protect the safety of any individual or the general public or to prevent violation of our Terms of Service or the rights of LAGbook or any third party.

Lagbook Affiliates
LAGbook may share some of all of your Personal Data with its affiliates like LAGbook Capital, in which case we will seek to require our affiliates to honor this Data Use Policy.

Change of Ownership
In the event of a change in ownership, or a merger with, acquisition by, or sale of assets to, another entity, we reserve the right to transfer all of LAGbook's User information, including email addresses, to a separate entity. LAGbook will notify Users (via a posting on this site or email (in LAGbook's discretion) of such a transfer, and Users may choose to modify their registration information at that time. This means if you are concerned about your Personal Data migrating to a new owner, you can deactivate your account.

LAGbook uses industry standard security measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Although we make good faith efforts to store the information collected by LAGbook in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, LAGbook cannot guarantee complete security. Further, while we work hard to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party "hackers" from illegally obtaining this information. LAGbook does not assume any liability to third parties whose information may be included in your Address Book.

Updating or Removing User Information
Users may, at any time, choose to correct or update the information they have submitted to LAGbook, by going to their account. Users may remove their User information from LAGbook's live database by canceling their account. Even if you update or remove your information from our live database, however, your Personal Data may be retained in our backup files and archives. Registered Users may remove their User information from LAGbook by canceling their account.

No Spam Policy
Our No Spam Policy and Terms of Service prohibit all Users from engaging in any activity involving the sending of email in violation of applicable law. Violations of these policies may result in immediate termination of service and legal action against any spammers. Any unauthorized use of LAGbook computer systems is a violation of the Terms of Service and certain federal and state laws. Such violations may subject the sender and his or her agents to civil and criminal penalties. LAGbook offers email masking and relay when Users choose to communicate with other Users on LAGbook to reduce third party email harvesting and spam. We also encourage Users to choose an email address where they will be comfortable receiving email responses from other LAGbook Users if they choose, at their sole discretion, to upload a profile or classifieds listings on LAGbook.

International Users
By visiting LAGbook and providing LAGbook with data, you acknowledge and agree that due to the international dimension of LAGbook we may use the data collected in the course of our relationship for the purposes identified in this Data Use Policy or in our other communications with you, including the transmission of information outside your resident jurisdiction. In addition, please understand that such data may be stored on servers located in the United States where laws protecting Personal Data may not be as stringent as the laws in your jurisdiction. By providing us with your data, you consent to the transfer of such data.

Revisions to This Policy
LAGbook reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy and our other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner. Notice of any revision, amendment, or modification will be posted on LAGbook, and a User's continued use of LAGbook will signify agreement to such changes.

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Terms of Service

There are a few ground rules for participation in LAGbook. Please respect these rules, and each other.

Be civil.

No personal attacks. Do not feel compelled to defend your honor in public.

Stay on topic in Forums.

Please pay attention to the topic of your messages, and check that it still relates to its parent. Off-topic discussion not taken to private email is eligible for removal.

Be kind to newcomers.

Newcomers may be annoying. But lots of valued contributors started out this way, and treating newcomers kindly makes them more likely to turn into the valuable community members we all know and love.
So while you don't have to humor them or suffer them gladly, and it's fine to point out when they make mistakes, point newcomers in the right direction in addition to turning them away from the wrong ones, and be kind to them in the process of correcting their transgressions.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

It's tempting to revisit controversial decisions you do not agree with, but it's rarely productive to do so, since it almost always results in the same heated, lengthy, and time/energy draining discussions leading to the same conclusion that was reached in the last round.
Therefore, for issues already raised, discussed, and decided upon, reopen the discussion only if you have significant new information that would reasonably prompt reconsideration of the original decision.

Ignore spammers.

Spam is a blight upon the face of the net. Nobody likes it. However, it is hard to avoid. Despite our best efforts, you will occasionally see spam on our site. However, don't forget that complaining about spam in public increases noise, but not signal. It may make you feel better, but it doesn't help.

Identify your subject matter.

Not everyone has time reading all forum and wiki postings. To ensure that your message reach the right people at timely manner, identify your subject matter clearly in the subject line. Subjects like a question and problem are not very helpful.

No unsubscribe messages.

Unfortunately, this bears repeating.

No test messages.

Please do not send test messages to the forum. You can, however, create test pages on the Wiki, but please don't forget to delete them after you finish learning.

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