Sunday, February 26, 2012

Does this mean their bird won't bite me? | Pet Warehouse Direct

Friday, February 24th, 2012 at 5:32 pm ?

Question by : Does this mean their bird won?t bite me?
I want to get a pet bird from PJ?s Pet store. Is it a bad idea to get a bird from a pet store?

?When you purchase a bird from us, you can be confident that your bird has received the very best care and an abundance of love during its stay with us. Our babies are raised in our nurseries by specially trained staff. Every effort is made to encourage proper physical and emotional development. You will always find our birds housed appropriately in the best quality cages. No expense is spared in providing toys and optimal nutrition.?

^ That?s what it says on their site?what do you think? I don?t want to get bitten lol..
How bad does it hurt to get bitten by a bird? Is it dangerous?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex
depends on the size of the bird. if its a parakeet or around that size it can be very painful when they bite their hardest. if its around the size of an indian ringneck it can make you bleed? ALOT? and cockatoos and macaws have the ability to amputate human fingers. but all birds would only bite like that when theyre defending themselves or food or young etc. if its your first bird reach for the small birds, budgies, lorikeets, cockatiels, loris, senegals, caiques, lovebirds, conures and many many more. dont worry, your fingers are going to be just fine lol :P

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Tagged with: Bird ? bite ? Mean ? their ? this ? wont

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